Restorative Justice Trainings

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Our Restorative Practices trainings are interactive, trauma-informed and tailored to the needs of those we train. Our goal is to create a network of trained practitioners who believe in Restorative Justice and use Restorative Practices to build and transform their own communities.

Tier I: Community Building

We start with the foundational theory and principles of Restorative Justice and then participants work with our trainers and coaches to develop their own circle-keeping skills, approach and voice. By the end of this training, participants have a solid understanding of the circle process and how it is used to build community and connection.

Tier II/III: Responding to Harm & Re-Entry

Building on Tier I, we guide participants through the steps of how to prepare for, facilitate, and follow-up from harm circles and restorative conferences. Participants learn how to facilitate restorative and reentry circles/conferences while we explore how Tier II & III practices fit into a broader restorative approach that includes community-building, responding to harm and intentional reentry efforts.


Our practicum provides continued support and coaching for individuals who have received our Tier I or Tier II/III training. The practicum is an experiential workshop, conducted in a circle, that provides participants with an opportunity to hone their skills and receive individualized feedback from trained coaches.

Youth Training

Our multi-week youth training combines Restorative Justice theory, Restorative Practices, and basic mediation skills using a curriculum we developed specifically for young people. Our training emphasizes hands-on experience with high levels of support. Participants develop social and emotional literacy and critical thinking and communication skills through role-play and practice.

For more info about our trainings, contact:

Note: At this time, we are not offering trainings for individuals. We work with schools, social service agencies, community-based organizations, and other groups, associations, and coalitions. If you are an individual interested in signing up for our training, send an email to and we will notify you the next time we offer one.