Welcome to the new Online graduation application! We have created this documentation to help you and your students navigate through the new Online Graduation Application.
The MSU Undergraduate and Gallatin College graduation application is a multi-step process. Students should apply for graduation the semester before they intend to complete their degree requirements.
Prior to submitting their application for graduation an Advisor and Certifying Officer must authorize their application by placing specific notes in Degreeworks. Advisor and certifying officer notes are needed for every credential they seek. If they are seeking a minor, second major, second degree, certificate, etc.. they need to have the advisor and certifying officer for each program of study enter the appropriate notes in Degreeworks.
Once the advisor and certifying officer’s notes for each credential (major, minor, second major, second degree, certificate, etc..) are in DegreeWorks, the student may follow the instructions on this website for completing the online application in MyInfo.
Follow the link below for an explanation of degree application indicators (e.g. "SO" or "AW") in DegreeWorks as they relate to auditing and awarding degrees .
Office of the Registrar
Montana State University
111 Montana Hall (campus map)
P.O. Box 172660
Bozeman, MT 59717-2660
Office Hours
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Excludes University Holidays
Telephone: (406) 994-6650
Fax: (406) 994-1972
Email: [email protected]
Antoni Campeau