About the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Centralized Verification Service

About the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
Centralized Verification Service

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Centralized Verification Service (SCRACVS) is a division of SCRA, Inc., a private contractor located in Washington, D.C.

Our service — SCRACVS — offers military status verification services. This certifies whether individuals are on active military duty or are eligible for Servicemembers Civil Relief Act protections. (Some protections continue well after termination of active duty).

Our typical users include lending institutions, servicers, landlords and litigants needing assurance of compliance with the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (50 U.S.C. 3911). The users require this information to determine if the individuals are subject to the protections of the act for use in court, collections actions, eviction actions and servicemembers’ requests for relief under the act, such as reduction of interest rate. The information is supplied by email responses or affidavits.

We do not, however, offer legal advice. Instead, we recommend that you contact your closest legal resource. For more information, see Resources and Links and FAQ sections. We supply yes/no answers about active duty status. But we do not supply any other information apart from military duty status.

After we conduct our preliminary searches, we then conduct a military verification to determine the military search status. We do this by accessing the DMDC (U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Manpower Data Center) databases. Then we report back in email form, along with an optional affidavit of military status. This also sometimes called a military affidavit, nonmilitary affidavit, nonmilitary affidavit or affidavit of military service.

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