Missouri Vehicle Registration (A Complete Guide)

Missouri Vehicle Registration (A Complete Guide)


Need to title and register your vehicle in Missouri but don’t know how?

Maybe it’s time to renew your registration.

Or maybe you want to make sure you follow the vehicle laws in the state.

Whatever the case, we have the answers for you here.

We’re going to give you a complete guide to Missouri vehicle registration — from titling, registering, and renewing, to understanding the laws.

So let’s dive right in!

How to Title Your Vehicle in Missouri

Missouri Vehicle Registration

Just because you’re driving a vehicle doesn’t mean it’s yours. So how do you prove ownership?

The answer lies in your car’s title.

Whether you purchased your vehicle in-state or outside of it, you must undergo the process of getting a title. However, it’s essential to know that the steps vary between these.

Let’s break it down.

Vehicles Bought in Missouri

Getting the title for a vehicle purchased in Missouri is straightforward. All it takes is a visit to a Department of Revenue office.

However, the documents you present will depend on where you purchased your vehicle — whether from a dealer or a previous owner.

To avoid confusion, let’s look at both scenarios and the steps involved.

If Your Car is Brand New:

  1. Gather the following documents:
    1. A filled-out and signed Application for Missouri Title and License (Form 108).
    2. The Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin (MSO) from the dealer

    NOTE: You and your dealer must complete the section on odometer disclosure. You will find this at the back of your MSO

    1. Go to a Missouri Department of Revenue office and submit these.
    1. Pay the necessary fees:
    1. Pay the appropriate tax.

    NOTE: You can use Missouri’s online tax calculator to determine how much you’ll spend.

    If Your Car was Previously Owned:

    Titling a previously owned car purchased in Missouri follows similar steps. However, there are more documents to prepare:

    NOTE: It’s a requirement for all vehicles manufactured in 2011 and onwards that have not reached 20 years old, except the following:

    Now, here are the steps:

    1. Bring these documents to a Department of Revenue office in your area. Remember that they might ask you to provide additional documents.
    1. Pay the $8.50 titling and $6 processing fee.
    1. Pay for the 4.224% sales tax and local sales tax.

    Vehicles Bought Out-of-State

    If you purchased your vehicle outside of Missouri, you must submit the following documents at a Department of Revenue office.

    If it’s a brand-new vehicle:

    NOTE: You must ensure to fill out the section at the back regarding odometer disclosure

    If it’s a used vehicle:

    NOTE: If you purchased it from a dealer, you must have a reassigned title

    NOTE: This only applies if the dealer gives you an out-of-state title. A licensed Missouri inspection station can complete this. Remember that the inspections must be within the last 60 days.